Story of a Hurricane

No power for a week and the days all begin to blend in to one another. Each night colder than the one before, you wonder how much longer you can last.

A lot of my time was spent like this, curled up under blankets with a book. So many times I’ve wished that I could take time off and do this all day, but I was going stir crazy and got out as often as I could. I even missed being able to do all those mundane things that I normally hate doing, like laundry and vacuuming. Really.

But I was definitely luckier than a lot of others – hot running water, a gas stove, and a fireplace made the experience bearable. Not sure that I could have gone much longer though, food supplies had started to run low and without a refrigerator I wasn’t exactly eating well.

I’ve been out to volunteer in the cleanup and donated warm clothing and supplies and have seen that things are still very bad for a lot of people. I feel badly that I’m back up and running when so many others aren’t…